Kassee’s Boudoir Session

This gorgeous creature is Kassee! All I can say is that I couldn’t take a bad picture  even if I tried! Kassee took a leap and decided she wanted a private boudoir session JUST BECAUSE! As gorgeous as Kassee is I could tell she  felt a little uncomfortable at the beginning but by the end of the session she was feeling pretty darn good about the whole process. Her images are stunning and we love the the fact that she gave us permission to show them off, as most of our clients tend to keep their images private. This lovely, feminine woman has decided to compete in a body building competition called ABBA which stands for the Alberta Body Building Association. This event will take place on June 20th. She has told us it hasn’t been easy with the strict dieting and the intense workouts but so far it has been worth it! Kassee I know you are going to rock this competition and I wish you the best of luck. Much love and admiration. – Shawna
