Allyssa & Andrew’s Wedding | Coutts Centre Of Western Heritage

Im so excited to finally be sharing this wedding that is very near and dear to my heart! Allyssa & Andrew are very well suited for each other and balance each other perfectly.

I knew that they were going to have a stylish celebration but these two blew me away with their attention to even the smallest of details.  Every touch was so personal to Allyssa and Andrew that it made for a wedding that truly reflected who they are as individuals and as a couple. The decor was full of vintage charm and it was stunning!

Beyond just the beautiful decor though, the day was full of so many meaningful moments that made it so so special. Now bask in the glow of these two awesome humans, I bet you can’t help but smile along with them

Allyssa & Andrew thank you for sharing your big day with us. We were and still are so grateful! Lots of love – Shawna & Stephan
